Standardization, certification and licensing in air transport  

The study course provides in-depth knowledge of the quality system in an aviation company, which is based on the regulations governing standardization, certification and licensing in accordance with the requirements of the European Aviation Safety Agency (EASA) and the Latvian Civil Agency (LV CAA). Outcome: Knows the quality of services, characteristics, criteria, evaluation methods. - Practical work. Testing. Exam. Criteria: able to determine the characteristics of service quality. Knows the importance of standardization, certification and licensing in human life. - Practical work. Testing. Exam. Criteria: knows and is able to use international, EU and LR normative documents. Knows the basics of metrology, management issues to ensure uniformity of measurements. - Practical work. Testing. Exam. Criteria: knows and is able to use units of measurement, SI system, Measurement methods, types of metrological control. Able to use quality improvement tools and techniques, management system certification, certification procedures. - Practical work. Testing. Exam. Criteria: able to solve quality tasks and develop quality management systems. Knows the subject and types of licensing, licensing issues in aviation. - Practical work. Testing. Exam. Criteria: able to address licensing issues in aviation. Knows quality assessment methods, international (ICAO) and EU (EASA) regulatory regulations: 1-19 ICAO Annexes, PART-66, 145, 147. - Practical work. Testing. Exam. Criteria: knows and is able to use the requirements of PART-66, 145, 147.
Standardization, certification and licensing in air transport

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